Rates us low as

from 5%

Amount of credit

up to $200k

Fast & easy process


Long loan term

up to 25 Years

Our Services

We Provide Simple, Affordable
Mortgages to the Diasporans

Calculate Your Loan Estimates

$10000 $200000
1 year25 years
You are getting:
Terms of use:
You must return:

* Based on a rate of 9.5% p.a
* This is only an estimate

What We Offer

We bridge the gap between your goal & finances.

  • Loans from USD10K up to USD200K
  • A maximum tenure of 25 years
  • Mortgage approvals within 21 Days
  • Loans to Diasporans.


Loans and Mortgages.

Residential Mortgages

To Login or register with Diaspora Mortgages use access link below.

Loans Available

Quick Application

Residential and Buy-to-let Mortgages.

Buy-to-let Mortgages

To Login or register with Diaspora Mortgages use access links below.

Loans Available

Quick Application

Residential and buy to let Mortgages.

Renovation Finance.

To Login or register with Diaspora Mortgages use access links below.

Loans Available

Quick Application

Home improvement loans to finance your renovations and repairs

Loans for Stands

To Login or register with Diaspora Mortgages use access links below.

Loans Available

Quick Application

Loans for purchasing high density or low density Stands.
